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The juice machine put ice Jiaocheng Smoothie it

I use a blender with fruit juice. How can I break the ice? The broken soon melted into water, it does not look good, a bit like the kind of selling Smoothie pearl milk tea shop.


1. first, the juicer refers to the pure juice. A strainer is rotated to separate the dregs, and such machines do not make ice.3., the second is through the blade, the fruit and water into pieces, without slag. This can beat ice. But the effect is not good Smoothie professional machine.We first look at the difference between the two: fruit juice, sharp blade to fight; Smoothie, to a blunt knife, through the impact of crushed ice, a knife will bend mouth.Do Smoothie tea shop, the machine will use Smoothie machine for commercial use, because the general is very easily broken
The ice cubes into thin slices and then put in the Smoothie machine or blender with various ingredients, but in recent years with the improvement of the machine, large chunks of ice can also play sand directly.
The second is through the blade, the fruit and water into pieces, without slag. This can beat ice
1 、 a juice extractor with stirring function, which can be broken into small pieces of ice.First, a juicer refers to a pure juice extractor. A strainer is rotated to separate the dregs, and such machines do not make ice

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