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The most common fire extinguisher in the diesel shop is? ?

The most common fire extinguisher in the diesel shop is? ?


im afraid i cant help answer your question but just wanted to say im in exactly the same boat except my due date was on the 14th . just wanted to say i understand where your coming from the wait is sooo frustrating not knowing if labours gonna be in and hour or a week ppl have given me every bit of advice in the world walkin sex climbing the stairs over and over and none have worked :( i guess when babbas ready he/she's ready !! good luck tho and i wish you a safe delivery xxxxx
Yep you're getting there! Sounds like Braxton Hicks contractions and the mucus plug. :) I know it's probably the last thing on your mind.but intercourse is a natural way to inducesemen has a hormone in it that naturally starts to thin the lining of the cervix
I had all of those symptoms at 39-40 weeks, except for the discharge, but my cervix never cooperated. I had to have a c-section, but you could be on your way! I thought I was getting close from 37 weeks on, but I think it was just wishful thinking. With your first, it is common to go past your due date, even with all your symptoms. Best thing to do is to keep your mind off of itwhen you're ready, you'll know! Good luck!
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you
Congrats on being 39 weeks! I know I was so anxious at that point, knowing it could happen any minute or 3 weeks later. Sex can induce labor as long as the man ejaculates - something in the sement softens the cervix and promotes dialation and labor. There are a million other old wives tales that probably don't work, but it will give you something to do while you wait - which isn't that really the point anyway! They include eggplant, pineapple, driving over speed bumps, walking with one foot on the curb and one on the street and eating spicy foods. Oh, there are probably more, but my doctor said sex is the only one that works. Good luck!! I know how hard that last week can be (I have a 4 month old at home)

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