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To kill a Mockingbird? Chapter 8 & 9?

these are the question i dont get get. please help me1. can you find any evidence that jem is beginning to understand more than Scout about Boo Radley? what do you think it is?2. why does Scout quiz Atticus about his visit to Radley's house? How much does Atticus tell her?3. When atticus asks Scout about the blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem realizxe?4. Wxplain what atticus means by telling jem not to let his discoery'inspire' him to 'further glory'? is there any reason why jem might now do as his father says? (this is the question i dont understand)5. why do jem and scout have mixed feelings about christmas?6. does scout larns anything from overhearing Aticus conversation with uncle jack? what might this be?


Got . They have reviews of different tires. It should have the info you are looking for.
Without having any evidence it would be difficult to prove anything. Most times in dressing rooms the assistant will stand outside so you can tell her if you need another size or need help. It is the norm for the assistant to wait outside in a high end shop. You also would never be able to tell for sure what the electronic device was, it may have been her phone and everything may be completely innocent. That being said, if you felt like something was off then it probably was. I would go to the police and tell them exactly what you have told us because they may have had other complaints about this shop assistant. In the very least it would be peace of mind. No it wasn't loss prevention, they are not legally allowed to video tape you.
Use a glove, or an old towel and pull it off. Then throw the glove/towel away :)

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