
Transformer ratio NP:NS?

A speaker with resistance R is rated at 16Ω. What ratio of NP:NSof the transformer is required so that the stereo thinks that the speaker is 8


same consequences as Electronyet in a various way. 7000 familiar turns divided via 350 secondary turns, 20:a million ratio sixty 3 volts on secondary situations ratio of 20 1260 volts on familiar. sixty 3 volts divided via a hundred ohms 0.sixty 3 amps on secondary. 0.sixty 3 amps on secondary divided via ratio of 20 .0315 amps on familiar.
The impedance ratio is the square of the turns ratio, so to transform a load resistance of 16Ω to one of 8Ω you need a turns ratio of NP/NS sqrt(8/16) 0.707:1 This relationship arises as follows - In the ideal case, the flux in the transformer core can be taken to be the same in the primary and the secondary, so by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction VP/NP VS/NS where VP and VS are primary and secondary induced voltages. For conservation of energy, the power in the secondary circuit must be the same as the power in the primary circuit (assuming no losses in the ideal case) , so (VP^2)/RP (VS^2)/RS, leading to - VP^2/VS^2 (NP/NS)^2 RP/RS Note that stereo systems are incapable of thought, so the question, as asked, is meaningless, or at best fanciful; the appropriate language to use is 'what transformer ratio is required to present a resistance of 8Ω at the primary terminals when a resistance of 16Ω is connected to the secondary ?'. This draws attention to the fact that the transformer/load combination will behave in the same way whatever it is connected to - the 'thoughts' of the stereo are irrelevant .

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