
transformers the movie?

I know that someone made a transformer movie. But wouldn't DBZ the movie be a lot better!?!?!?


Are you kidding me. DBZ was not barely known in US until Cartoon Network made it popular. I know people had heard of it, but it was as mainstream as it is now. Transformers were the toy back in the 80's.
If DBZ is Dragon Ball Z, the answer to your question is no. I say this not out of opinion but out of America's taste in entertainment. America as a whole doesn't tend to enjoy Japanese style entertainment. Transformers is a movie based on aliens and robots. DBZ is mostly based on magic and such. America likes stuff that they can grasp and make sense of.
I was never able to get into that, some friends of mine did once but I just dont like Japanimation. No way could it be better than the Transformers movie, personally. But Hollywood can make anything, I dont see how they could'nt make a DBZ movie.
Transformers will have better graphics than DBZ, stupid plot but better graphics. There has yet to be a good cartoon made in to major movie. Although in the 80's I believe it was, someone made a Dragonball movie. It was terrible and only once did they use fireballs or such. The bad guys didn't look like supersaens. Even Vegeta is mentioned and he looks like a dork. I saw this sorry excuse for a movie on Telemundo, it was deemed as a world premier, Right, world premier of a 20 yr old movie
There are 14 official DBZ movies out to date (not counting special releases). They have been converted to English, but they are not Hollywood made. They were made by the guys who made the episodes, so they look just like the episodes. They are pretty cool. The prob is that as soon as you take Japanese animation and convert it to real lifefans tend to be disappointed in the final product. Transformers are easier to create in the visual effects department because they are machinesnot characters. However, if Hollywood does create a DBZ movie, I am sure that Goku will be able to kick the *** out of any Transformers that come at him. Btw, there are a few made that were not created by the original artiststhey suck, don't even bother watching them, you will be disappointed.

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