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Turn on the keyboard and the monitor are not lit

Turn on the keyboard and the monitor are not litThen I dropped the video card, from the new plug, in the boot, the computer did not drop a sound, and the monitor and keyboard did not reflect, the mouse light is bright? (this time it was a sudden incident. It was already open. A web page was turned off for a long time, and then it was so long ago)Master, tell me what happened?


The keyboard light doesn't show the memory, the CPU, the motherboard, or the power problem.Resolvent:1, the keyboard light is not bright, first erase the memory bar with an eraser, and check the memory of the gold finger whether there are traces of burning. Change memory slot.2, check the capacitor and a resistor board above, see whether there is a capacitance bulge, whether there is a smell on the motherboard, and clean up the dust on the motherboard.3, remove the CPU fan, electricity power, use hand to test whether CPU has no temperature change, CPU is not working, or bad motherboard, or not plugged in CPU, replug CPU.4, power problems, although the power supply, but the motherboard can not work properly, change the power to try.5. Show that the light is on, the keyboard light is on, the screen doesn't show, wipe the video card finger with an eraser, and check the capacitance on the video card whether it is bulging or not.6, to minimize the test, leaving only the power supply, CPU, motherboard, memory, video card, keyboard, display, put all the rest on the motherboard line are pulled out, with screwdriver short switch pin, if normal, then the rest of a piece of hardware, adding to identify the reasons for the problem.Tip: all operation should turn off the power supply, if the computer hardware is unfamiliar, it is recommended to find professional maintenance personnel to deal with.
There may be memory or power problems. Try replacing memory
1, boot keyboard and display are not bright.The keyboard is not on, so the monitor is not bright. Keyboard does not light, that is, the host is not normal, the host is not normal, how bright the monitor ah.2, the video card to get rid of, from the new plug, in the boot, the computer did not drop a sound. Boot without sound is very complicated, may be the graphics card, memory, the main reason for the motherboard, some of the main board of such a fault, no prompt, no alarm.3, but it may be the motherboard battery, there is no electricity.4, this is a sudden event, has already opened, and a web page display, suddenly suddenly closed, and then long time so.All computer failures are sudden events, from failure to failure, only one second, is instantaneous.5, the boot does not have to drop it? Yes. Without this sound, it is the "dumb machine" and the fault machine.6, the monitor and keyboard are not reflected, the mouse light is bright! The mouse is bright, can not explain what the problem, can only say that your power and motherboard power supply circuit is good, ruled out this failure.7, the monitor and keyboard are not reflected, the mouse light is bright?The main circuit of the mouse is no problem, many motherboards can be bright. But the keyboard must be bright, must be normal boot, the computer does not fail to light. Your computer is out of order. It must not be on.

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