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Unqualified stainless steel tableware, what harm to the human body

Unqualified stainless steel tableware, what harm to the human body


Stainless steel cutlery generally contains chromium and nickel, chromium is the product does not rust material, and nickel is a corrosion-resistant material. The long-term use of poor quality stainless steel tableware will destroy the normal human body calcium, phosphorus ratio affect the growth and development of bones, teeth and also The new supersedes the old., affect the human digestive enzyme activity, the digestive function of the stomach.
The results showed that the contents of trace elements such as iron, chromium and manganese were higher than those of other pots. The usual food in these trace elements content is minimal, if the body lacks one or several, will cause harm to health. Therefore, the rational use of stainless steel tableware beneficial to human health. However, many metal elements such as chromium, molybdenum, manganese and other compounds and their excessive intake will cause different degrees of damage to human health. Users lack the knowledge of stainless steel tableware, will make stainless steel trace elements in the human body slowly accumulated, when accumulated to a certain extent will have adverse effects on health.The use of stainless steel tableware should pay attention to the following points:Not long time for salt, soy sauce, vinegar, soup, etc.. Because these foods contain a lot of electrolytes, if the long bloom, stainless steel will also be like other metals, such as the electrochemical reaction of the electrolyte, so that toxic metal elements are dissolved.Avoid using stainless steel pot boil Chinese medicine. Due to the traditional Chinese medicine contains a variety of alkaloids, organic acids and other ingredients, especially in the heating conditions, it is difficult to avoid the occurrence of chemical reactions without the use of drugs and even the formation of certain toxic compounds.Do not use strong alkaline or strong oxidizing chemicals such as soda, bleaching powder, sodium hypochlorite, etc.. Because these substances are strong electrolytes, also with stainless steel electrochemical reaction.
Stainless steel tableware often have "13 -", "18 - 0", "18 - 8" of the three code. The number in front of the code indicates the chromium content, and the following number represents the nickel content. Chromium is the material that does not rust, and nickel is a corrosion resistant material. In order to prevent heavy metals such as nickel, chromium and other harmful to the human body, the state has made the relevant provisions of its dissolution. But some tableware manufacturers, in order to make their products better quality, in the tableware to add a large amount of chromium, nickel.Chromium is a kind of metal. Chromium damage to the skin, chromium skin ulcers, commonly known as chromium. Chromium damage to respiratory tract. The main damage to the respiratory tract of chromium compounds is nasal septal ulcer.The toxicity of metal nickel is small, but the frequent use of nickel stainless steel tableware will cause skin inflammation. Inhalation of metallic nickel dust easily lead to respiratory disorders, pulmonary hypertrophy. The toxicity of nickel salt, especially nickel carbonyl (carbon monoxide and nickel powder can be formed at high temperatures) have very strong toxicity, because it is easy to volatilize, and soluble in fat tissue, it is easy to enter the cell membrane, and protein and nucleic acid binding force and the strong.
Stainless steel tableware often have "13 -", "18 - 0", "18 - 8" of the three code. The number in front of the code indicates the chromium content, and the following number represents the nickel content. Chromium is the material that does not rust, and nickel is a corrosion resistant material. In order to prevent heavy metals such as nickel, chromium and other harmful to the human body, the state has made the relevant provisions of its dissolution. But some tableware manufacturers, in order to make their products better quality, in the tableware to add a large amount of chromium, nickel.Chromium is a kind of metal. Chromium damage to the skin, chromium skin ulcers, commonly known as chromium. Chromium damage to respiratory tract. The main damage to the respiratory tract of chromium compounds is nasal septal ulcer.The toxicity of metal nickel is small, but the frequent use of nickel stainless steel tableware will cause skin inflammation. Inhalation of metallic nickel dust easily lead to respiratory disorders, pulmonary hypertrophy. The toxicity of nickel salt, especially nickel carbonyl (carbon monoxide and nickel powder can be formed at high temperatures) have very strong toxicity, because it is easy to volatilize, and soluble in fat tissue, it is easy to enter the cell membrane, and protein and nucleic acid binding force and the strong.

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