
vegetable help?

i have some green onions i gotthe other day i can not usethem have to leave town for a week or so what can i dfo to keep them freash Thanks


Trim the tops down about halfway, and slice off the fuzzy root NOT wash them, just trim them.then seal in a ziplok bag and put in the veggie crisper in the fridgeThey'll wait until you get backThe end section of tops tails of green onions turn into yucko if stored too long, so if you trim them off the rest will stay good for quite a while.
Trim the tops down about halfway, and slice off the fuzzy root NOT wash them, just trim them.then seal in a ziplok bag and put in the veggie crisper in the fridgeThey'll wait until you get backThe end section of tops tails of green onions turn into yucko if stored too long, so if you trim them off the rest will stay good for quite a while.

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