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What are the advantages and disadvantages of the car audio modifications, wooden gaskets and plastic gaskets?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the car audio modifications, wooden gaskets and plastic gaskets?


Plastic gasket defects: modeling fixed, difficult to modify, will be a little resonance, the advantages of ultra waterproof.
Wood washer: it is divided into three plywood and MDF. They are afraid of water. Especially the density board, see the water expansion, brush waterproof. Advantages: you can make the desired shape, and there is no resonance.
If the horn is mounted directly on the iron plate, it is easy to cause resonance. This resonance can seriously deteriorate tone quality. When the loudspeaker vibrates, it vibrates the steel plate, which vibrates back to the sound. Therefore, the main purpose of installing wooden mats is to reduce resonance and install the horn more firmly.

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