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What are the effects of water, inorganic salts, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins?

What are the effects of water, inorganic salts, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins?


The main physiological functions of water: 1. The main components of cells and body fluids. 2. To help the body digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion and other physiological effects. 3. Maintain and regulate body temperature. 4. Water is a lubricant for body, joints and muscles.
The main physiological functions of minerals: 1. constitute the body of the material. (Such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium is a bone, an important component of the teeth.) 2. Regulate the physiological function. (Minerals are often enzymes activators.) 3. Participate in the regulation of body fluid balance and maintain the body's acid-base balance.
The main physiological functions of carbohydrates (also known as carbohydrates): 1. Supply of heat. (Per gram of sugar can release 4 kcal of calories, is the main source of heat the body.) 2. constitute the body tissue. (All the nerve tissue, cells and body fluids are still carbohydrates.) 3. Can help the oxidation of fat to help the liver detoxification, promote growth and development.
The main physiological function of fat: 1. The supply of human heat. (Per gram of fat oxidation can produce 9 kcal of calories, protein and carbohydrates produce more than 2 times.) 2. constitute the body's adipose tissue, adjustable body temperature, To prevent the body outside the scattered, to protect the internal organs, moisturizing the skin. 3. Dissolve nutrients. (Some do not dissolve in water and only soluble in lipids, only in the presence of fat can be absorbed by the body.
The main physiological function of protein: 1. constitute the body, repair organization. (The body's muscles, blood, skin, hair, etc. are not the same as the protein is not formed.) 2. Regulate the physiological function. (The body of enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc., are also directly or indirectly from the protein.) 3. Supply of energy. (Per gram of protein in the body of oxidation can release 4 kcal of heat for metabolic purposes.)

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