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What do parental controls on Mac OSX Monitor? [10 points to best answer]?

I was just wondering what Parental Controls on a Mac OSX System Preferences will moniter.For Example, tell me if they monitor any of these.Typed TextWebsites VisitedApplications OpenedHard Drive applications OpenedAnd:If I rename an application and then I open it, will it show up as the original application on parental controls?


Sorry, the guy above me has the best answer ever. You talked about a song, and he talked about shoes. Fantastic! I am at awe!
This is not an item normally owned by an individual, although I live near a private street where the city made the owner put in a hydrant years ago. If you mean you want your local town to put in a hydrant near you, contact the Fire Department, which will be able to tell you what administrative steps to go through, and provide other aid. If you want one as a gag, or to put a removable fake somewhere to secure a parking place, check plumbing supply houses.

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