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What does it mean to be punk/have punk values?

There's a lot of debate to this day about what it means to be punk. I mean, I know what it means to me personally, but since I wasn't alive when punk was just beginning, I'm hazy as to how it actually originated and how it manifested at that time. Honestly, I really admire and utilize a lot of punk values, and wear some punk items. But I'm not sure I'd call myself 'A Punk', which is a label that has a lot of outdated and nasty sterotypes attached to it. Personally, I think one of the most un-punk things you can do is label yourself in any way. I mean, isn't that what punk is against? So although I really like the punk spirit, I hesitate to label myself as such, because I personally hate being pigeonholed into a certain category. Do any of you feel that way as well?


Light indeed has mass, but it is very small. The strings in light are actually focused to a point and have no displacement (instead of being strings or loops they are a single point of energy). It is important that you note that mass and energy are the same thing and that it is what our universe is made of. Light is not matter however. There is a difference between mass and matter. Matter is a physical particle that directly interacts with things around it, such as a quark or an atom. Matter is a form of energy. A very basic definition of light is a packet of energy with strings that have a displacement of 0. Note that for a photon, Epc A photon does in fact have momentum, which gives it mass. light is an electromagnetic wave so part of it's mass comes from its movement and part comes from the packet of energy that is traveling.
It depends. You can't actually fry as that requires cooking in fat or oil. If you mean over easy or sunny side up which is a cooked white and a runny yolk, this is possible, but I don't think very good. You separate the yolk and put it aside. Spray a saucer with cooking spray, and put the white on it. Cook the white until done, put yolk on top. At this point you can cook the yolk slightly more if you desire, after poking a hole in it with a toothpick. If I only had a microwave and an egg.I'd scramble the egg.
Yep. I think you need a manicure. Or a fire hose.
i didnt get that memo. but dude! u need to watch the sugar, i think ur diabetic!!! :))

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