
What foods have lot of Iron?

Does meat, chicken, pork and hamburger have Iron? What about Eggs? Or a salad?


Beans, dark leafy greens (chard, collard greens), lentils, dried fruit, tofu, grains (quinoa, fortified cereals, brown rice, oatmeal), nuts and seeds (pumpkin, squash, pine, pistacio, sunflower, cashews, unhulled sesame)
Red meat is a good source; although salad may be iron-poor, spinach is iron-rich, so a spinach salad is helpful. While Cal King says you can't just eat iron powder, the fact is that you can add significant iron to your diet by cooking in an iron frying pan, if the food you're cooking is fairly acidic (chili, tomato sauce, scrambled eggs). Agree with David's assertion that you need vitamin C (OJ, grapefruit, tomatoes, etc.) to process iron.

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