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What is a good rat bedding other than Carefresh


Don't use aspen or pine! Never ever. I recommend CareFresh.
If you use pine or cedar you are jeopardizing your rat’s health in several ways. Long term inhalation of these chemicals can compromise the rat’s immune system making it more prone to respiratory problems such as mycoplasma. It has also been scientifically documented that the phenols in these softwoods alter the levels of the liver enzymes, which can lead to liver disease and even liver failure. ASPEN (OR OTHER HARDWOOD) shavings are fine.
Never wood based (pine, cedar) bedding, as it can upset their sensitive respitory system. Carefresh, shredded paper, Yesterday's Newspaper (kitty litter) any of that. Aspen shavings are fine, it smells good.
Any kind of CareFresh bedding will do. It tends to get a little dusty and might make your little guy sneeze, but you can buy special kinds that are the same price that prevent that. I also suggest putting newspaper and a pillowcase you don't care about in their, because rats also like to make their own bedding.
I like aspen. Other people swear by Yesterdays Mews/News- the only cat litter that can be used. Or just fleece/towels. My guys are on towels with aspen in their litter box.

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