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What is a straight toilet (toilet)?

What is a straight toilet (toilet)?


Straight toilet: The use of compressed air to form a large thrust, flushing speed, momentum, strong sewage, fast, less water, no leakage. Straight-through because of the use of water is a powerful moment of kinetic energy, so the impact of the wall of the sound is relatively large. The rear drainage is mostly straight. And straight into the toilet water pipe diameter, easy to wash down the larger dirt
Straight toilet The use of compressed air to form a large thrust, flushing speed, momentum, strong sewage, fast, less water, no leakage. Straight-through because of the use of water is a powerful moment of kinetic energy, so the impact of the wall of the sound is relatively large. The rear drainage is mostly straight. And straight into the toilet water pipe diameter, easy to wash down the larger dirt Disadvantages: large noise when the sewage Straight and siphon three aspects of comparison: 1, flushing effect: Straight: simple piping, short path, thick neck, the use of gravity acceleration of water can easily rinse the waste, not easy to cause clogging, but prone to smell. Siphon: tube slender, flushed water when the water is very high, filth with the water go down. Although the lack of water may cause clogging, but the water seal is high, not easy to taste. 2, flush noise: Straight: the sound of flushing, because the use of water flow instantaneous powerful energy washed off the flesh, so the impact of water pipe wall and the water tank is relatively large sound. Siphon: flushing sound is particularly small, we all call the silent toilet. This is because the use of the suction type of sewage, the impact of water flow is very small. 3, water-saving effect: Straight: the use of water gravity acceleration washed away, each time less water. Siphon: the design structure determines the need to use a little more water to stay in the return bay in order to isolate the smell, water consumption than the straight to the relatively high point. Phoenix crown home bathroom in the toilet this area to do better

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