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What is the best brand of paint for the interior of a house?

We are remodeling a house and having professionals do all the work, including the painting. What is the best paint brand for interior walls? We don't want to use the cheapest there is. sort of middle of the road. Any opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Get yourself a small household fire extinguisher (I don't know where you are but in UK they're only a few pounds from BQ or Homebase). They'll give you enough time to get out - because if a real fire starts that's what you need to do - maybe so you can use it to give yourself a route to the door
Offhand, I can't think of a single instance, in all of our accumulated human history, in which any religion, through religious means, has proven a scientific position wrong and their silly, supernatural explanation right. Except by burning any and all dissenters at the stake of course..

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