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What is the comprehensive calculation of energy production?

What is the comprehensive calculation of energy production?


Energy production is not equal to the sum of all kinds of energy into standard coal, because the two energy is generated by the primary energy conversion, so the total energy production can only be a variety of primary energy production and the standard coal
In order to comprehensively reflect the total energy production, various energy products must be calculated according to the different calorific value of the common conversion standards. In China, the standard coal is calculated, and the calorific value per kilogram of standard coal is 7 million.
First of all, all kinds of energy products are calculated according to the physical quantity, physical quantity statistics reflect only the output of various energy varieties, not the total production of energy products
Energy production [statistics] the statistics reflect energy production scale, energy production structure, main indicators of production results and development speed, for the preparation of energy production plan, check the energy production schedule, reasonable composition analysis by energy, provide an important basis for the rational development of energy. According to the origin of energy, it can be divided into primary energy output and two energy output.

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