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What is the electronic refrigeration of water dispenser?

What is the electronic refrigeration of water dispenser?


The electronic refrigeration of water dispenser is:Semiconductor refrigeration, that is, the semiconductor through the exchange of hot and cold, one side of the cold and heat, so as to achieve the purpose of refrigeration and heating.
Can produce energy transfer, the current through the N type components flow to the P type components of the joint to absorb heat, become a cold end, from the P type components flow to the N type components of the joints, release heat, become hot end. The magnitude of heat absorption and heat release is determined by the magnitude of the current and the logarithm of the components of the semiconductor material N and P. The inner part of the cooling plate is a thermopile made up of hundreds of pairs of thermocouples (as shown below) to enhance the effect of refrigeration.
This is a single piece of refrigeration, which is composed of two ceramic plates, which are semiconductor material N type and P type (bismuth telluride), the semiconductor element in the circuit is connected with the series form. The working principle of the semiconductor refrigeration piece is: when connecting a N type semiconductor material and a P type semiconductor material into the galvanic pair, in this circuit connecting the DC current
Electronic cooling is also called semiconductor refrigeration, most are cooling water machine this.Working principle: the semiconductor refrigeration piece work with DC current, it can refrigeration and heating to achieve refrigeration or heating in the same refrigeration piece by changing the polarity of the DC current, this effect is produced by the thermoelectric principle

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