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What is the energy consumption per unit product

What is the energy consumption per unit product


Formula: (1) comprehensive energy per unit of product yield comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product yield consumption = production of comprehensive energy consumption of the product (equivalent) / qualified product yield (2) yield of single unit product energy consumption per unit of product yield of single energy consumption = production of the product consumption of a variety of energy the number of qualified products yield (3) than the unit energy consumption of products according to the standard procedure to calculate the energy consumption than the unit energy consumption = comprehensive energy consumption according to the standard calculation of the amount of qualified production process / product yield can be calculated according to the standard energy consumption than single bit = yield statistics method of comprehensive energy consumption volume / year range: standard products report on the production of major products for the annual energy consumption of 5000 tons of standard coal and above the legal unit. The index of the sub item is the production of a product of a number of varieties of the total energy consumption of energy, not including production has nothing to do with the amount of energy for the purpose of life, nor does it include internal recycling energy and enterprise basic construction unit consumption using waste heat and gas; mother is qualified, have procedures for storage products production.
(2) the individual energy consumption per unit product output refers to the amount of a certain amount of energy consumed in the production of a particular product. The index reflects the quantitative relationship between inputs and outputs. (3) the energy consumption per unit of comparable products refers to the total energy consumption per unit product of the same product in accordance with the standard process or standard product output under the same production conditions. Index Interpretation: this indicator reflects the level of production technology, product quality and management level of various industries and enterprises. It is the main index to evaluate the economic benefit and energy saving plan of the enterprise, and it is the important basis to formulate and modify the energy consumption quota and the product cost accounting. The characteristics of this index is, in the same industry between the various business units energy consumption comparable to eliminate similar between enterprises, because the product structure, production process, supply and demand structure caused by the different energy consumption are not comparable to the effect.
Definition: refers to the amount of energy consumed per unit of production, mainly has the following three kinds: (1) the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product yield, refers to the number of all kinds of energy can produce average actual consumption, comprehensive energy consumption and corresponding product yield ratio.

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