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What is the meaning of spot crude lock?

What is the meaning of spot crude lock?


Method one: first to solve the contrarian single; method two: first to solve the profit statement.Individuals in the above two methods are more inclined to the first. Because we lock the purpose is to prevent the loss of single, so when the market is clear, the contrarian single solution is equal to cut off the source of loss. It should be noted, however, is not equal to the single loss. Another homeopathic single market can choose to go almost flat again.The second method is to choose the first profit, and the other one can wait for a callback or reversal when the flat. But when it comes to callback and reversal of the timing of the problem. If the other is not flat in a timely manner, it is likely to be converted into long-term.
For example, there are more than a single, prices fell even too many losses, would be a single and same number of hands empty at the right price, there are more than a single same and empty single account so that the loss of control in a certain range. Hope to help you.
The so-called lock is to make a list of the opposite direction in the existing list

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