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What is the water in the oxygen filter?

What is the water in the oxygen filter?


There are two main reasons for the water supply in the oxygen tube wall. One is caused by improper human operation. The other one, a normal condensation, causes water in the pipette wall and does not affect the use of the machine and the effect of oxygen therapy.
oral oxygen inhalation: if the patient nasal congestion or mouth breathing, you can breathe through the mouth, that is, with a larger catheter into the mouth oxygen inhalation.
. Mask oxygen inhalation: mask the patient's mouth and nose oxygen inhalation, better than nasal obstruction and nasal catheter oxygen inhalation method, but may cause respiratory acidosis.
nasal obstruction and nasal catheter inhalation: nasal congestion is nasal congestion, placed in the side of the nasal vestibule, and close contact with the nasal cavity, oxygen inhalation.

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