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What kind of coal is coke or anthracite?

First of all, I would like to ask is: what is the need for steelmaking coal or anthracite coal? How much coal can be made of steel? Understand the answer or add friends do not understand this!! ~


Although not directly using coal for steelmaking, steel and coal but it will be related, the front said, steel is mainly used for coke, and the coke is used in bituminous coal, coking coal, fat coal, lean coal, gas coal and bituminous coal mixture is heated to 1000 degrees which is made, will not be directly used coal for steelmaking, because many harmful components contained in coal and coke, clean, suitable for steel and iron. Because most of the iron and steel plants will be their own coking carbon, so steel mills generally need to say in front of the coal!
Steel basically is not coal, but Coke, only when the use of iron to coal, but is still the main fuel ironmaking coke, as will the use of coal, which is to reduce the consumption of coke is only used as a blast furnace pulverized coal fuel injection of pulverized coal in the proportion of fuel consumption of ironmaking blow up coal, not more than half of ironmaking fuel needed in our country, smokeless coal or bituminous coal powder as fuel injection! Of course, there are other gas or liquid jet fuel!
Do you dare to use coal? Play where. There are farmers used, 10% ingot of molten steel and bean curd residue, because more sulfur.

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