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What kind of electric drill do you buy at home decoration?

What kind of electric drill do you buy at home decoration?


Hand hold the electric drill, turn on the power supply, use the hand to operate the switch frequently, make the tool start frequently, observe whether the switch of the tool switch is reliable or not. At the same time to observe the scene of TV sets, fluorescent lamps are abnormal. To verify that the tool is equipped with a valid radio interference suppressor.Electric powered one minute, running with the hand grip, the hand should be no obvious feeling any abnormal fibrillation, observe the commutation spark, the commutation spark should not exceed the general level, into the air from the tool inside, there should be no obvious arc on the surface of the commutator. Running should be without exception of normal noise
Drill additional function selection: the same type, there will be some additional features, for example, said the drill can reverse R model, its advantage is when is not, can be converted into reverse; said electric drill can speed the type of E, when not high rate can be adjusted to low speed operation.
Electric drill size choice: as the size of the drill bit increases, its price will increase, the household electrical drill size is generally 20mm, it will be enough.
Observe the external packing of the electric drill. The outer packing of the tool should be clearly patterned and not damaged. The plastic case is firm and the plastic case should be firmly and durable.Observe the drill appearance, the appearance of the tool should be uniform color, no obvious effect of plastic wire surface and dent, no scratch or bump traces, assembling dislocation between parts of 0.5mm shell, aluminum casting coating is smooth and beautiful without defects, the surface shall be free from dirt and stains. When you hold the hand, you feel better. The handle of the switch should be smooth. The length of cable should be no less than 2 meters.Check the nameplate and instruction manual of the electric drill. The nameplate parameter of the tool shall be in conformity with the 3C certificate. The instructions should have detailed address and contact information of the manufacturer and the manufacturer. The nameplate or certificate shall have a batch number traceable to the product.
Purpose: to drill the ceiling as an example, the ceiling made of reinforced concrete, such as the use of impact drilling would take great efforts, but use it to hit the wall will not happen, so the impact drill for daily use in the family, but for drilling staff, should be the first choice of hammer drill. On the wall, hammer drill, impact drill will be more labor-saving, the key lies in the structure and working principle of the two different impact drill in the use process need constant applied force and the rotation, and in the use of hammer drill, just start slightly when applying a little bit force can be automatically forward go.

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