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What kind of lock is this and what part do I need? LOCKSMITHS! Help!?

I have a lock where I only need to purchase the key mechanism. The outer part is there as you can see in the picture. I was hoping someone could tell me a) what lock this is, b) what I need, and c) where is the cheapest place I can get some of these. Thank you


Num Lock is a key on the numeric keypad of most computer keyboards, used to switch that pad between number entry and arrow keys. It is a toggle key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state is commonly represented by an LED light built into the keyboard. The Num Lock key exists because earlier 84-key IBM PC keyboards did not have arrows separate from the numeric keypad. Num Lock would be used to choose between the two functions. On laptop computers, Num Lock keys are used to convert part of the main keyboard to act as a (slightly skewed) numeric keypad rather than letters. These days since many computers have a full-size keyboard, Num Lock is rarely used for its original purpose, and ends up confusing the user if the computer has for some reason activated or deactivated the Num Lock key without the user being aware of it. Num Lock is also used in standard BIOS for extra input.
It is the right hand side set of numbers on your keyboard so if you switch on number lock it allows you to use them and if you switch it off it locks them
The numbers lock key is on the right side of your keyboard and when you press it and the green light comes on you can use it just like a calcuator. When the light is off, your will have to use the numbers on the top row of your keyboard. However, the top row will not act as a calculator.
Num Lock or Number Lock is the one that allows you to use the number keypad on the right side of you keyboard. If you turn it on (when the light is on indicating it's on), you will be able to use the numbers on the right but if you turn off, the numbers will be disabled or in other words, locked.
Hi so your going to have to slow down and go over them very slowly.

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