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What line should I use for hook cushion?

What line should I use for hook cushion?


If not too particular, I hope practical and economic, acrylic line can be ah, the market has sold, very cheap.
Hook cushion method:The first method: 1. hook a long pigtail pin (the length you need). 2., from the hook to the last 6 needles, in which a long hook hook. 3. hooks, 3 stitches, 3 pins from the last sixth, and a long hook. Repeat 3 later.Second methods: 1. hook 9 pin pigtail needle, in the first holes hook a long needle, forming a square, 2. hook, 6 pin braids, from the long needle, reciprocal 3 needle, hook a long needle, forming second squares, repeat 2, hook out of a row of squares.A row of squares will hook up. The second row, the first hook, the 6 pin, the first in the last, the long needle out of a needle long needle. After 3 pins, a long needle. And so on, you complete a large square.
Acrylic yarn, wool, medium thickness is best, thin wire can use two hooks, I used to knit the sweater, the remaining Mao Xiantou, do the bottom of the grid is old wool. The idea of this cushion itself is the use of leftover and old lines.

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