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What's the difference between light and color?

What's the difference between light and color?


LIGHT is a form of energy. COLOR is how that energy is PERCEIVED. Fore example, light provides energy to trees. but trees have no eyes, and therefore cannot perceive the COLOR of the light. There is still light, and the trees use it, but they have no concept of color. Most animals are thought to poor color vision, due to the lack of color receptor cells in their eyes. They can STILL see, but they see in almost black and white, with little perception of color. They STILL need light (energy) to see, but color ins not as important. That old story about wave a red cape in front of a bull . . . . .? That story is itself BullStuff. Bulls are color blind. They see a GRAY cape. it is the MOVEMENT that attracts them, not the color.
Light is the emmision of visable radiation where as colour is the re-emmition or reflection of select parts of light from an object
Color is one property of light. Light is a thing (like car) and color is a property (like fast). People confuse properties and things in physics a lot for some reason, but no one confuses fast with car, even though many cars are fast.
Well color of a light depends on its frequency.Different frequencies have different colors.A white light when passed thro a filter say red,the color is red coz it shuts all the frequencies which are other than red and allows the frequency corresponding to red
Hello! Light can shine upon things and make everything seem brighter. But color is just a characteristic of a light and color does not have light which can shine on things. Hope this helps! Sincerely, Mr.Math

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