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What should the dryer flame on a propane dryer look like?

Just had new Kenmore dryer installed, converted to propane. The dryer has a strong, particular odor (just a new dryer smell perhaps? ) The first 1/2 hour it ran, it intermittedly set off the smoke/heat detector when I opened the dryer door.The burner flame does not look like our previous dryer, being propane, I thought it was suppose to be all blue, this flame is blue in the center w/ yellow flame shooting out at the sides. I KNOW it was converted properly. Is that normal, and is it normal for a new dryer to smell?


Those frost free water hydrants are deep enough to the water line that the heat shouldn't hurt the line, even if it is polyethylene. Your biggest problem is going to be protecting the hydrant itself from something falling on it breaking it off. I would wrap it in a lot of insulating materials, like a bunch of old feed sacks, and put something metal over it like an upside down garbage can. Then weight it down with some stones or concrete blocks before starting the fire. The hydrant should make it through the fire fine. Soak it down good in oil afterwards.
try do make the lightning rod he uses in the The Lightning Thief with some cardboard or tape. If not, then refresh your brain about the book, or read a chapter over.

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