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Where are the first accounts to golden plates being used for record.?

The earliest record I can go back to is Plato‘s account to Atlantis. Is their earlier or relatively the same era civilizations used Gold or any other metal to record history or anything. Please give me any info. Fable or historical! Thanks for your input.


It is possible for 'city water' to be acidic. especially if you live in an area with sandstone bedrock and the water is from a well. Probably, you'll just have to replace the pipes. A chemical system to treat the water might be expensive. Why don't you contact the DEP for some advice?
I can tell you this much from Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant. Copper sheets that were made into bangles and weapons were first made in the Eastern Mediterranean in about 3500 B.C.E. Many symbols and designs and some were pictographs while others were rune like that were pressed into thin sheets via what appears to be fingernails.

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