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Where do you place fire extinguishers in your home?

I've got one in the kitchen, but realized that the floor plan of my apartment could trap me in the bedroom if I'm there while a fire starts in the kitchen. I suppose you could put one in every room of the house, but that's expensive, takes up space, and is generally unattractive. Maybe just place one nearest where fires are likely to occur (kitchen) and another where you sleep?


Get him rawhide. It's hard, which means it's fun to chew on, and it's a food product for dogs, so it's safe.
The fire Chloe, represents an underlying problem in health with your Grandma (you may want to ask and see when her last checkup was and or, talk to your mom about it and tell her your concerns so that she may get your Grandma to a doctor) The blanket represents care and comfort from friends and or family sheltering your Grandma from harm (ie, health related issues) By your Grandma using the blanket it means that she is already aware of her health and knows something that she'd rather not mention to family members so's not to worry them (which is not the way to go, I feel she should be seen kk?) and if she has'nt already been diagnosed with diabeties she needs checked for that also The rest of your dream prem is just that, a dream, just get Grandma to her check up and let the doctors do the rest (and know, always know, you're a special girl.) (Hey, I knew your at least had something to do with 5 LOL) Jump on this asap kk Chloe? All the Best to you and yours, Shad )~~

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