Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Aluminum Foils > which of the following wont scratch any of the others aglass bfingernail caluminum dgraphite?

which of the following wont scratch any of the others aglass bfingernail caluminum dgraphite?

9which of the following does not describe group 17 elements ahalogens breact with metals c7 valence electrons dtend to lose electrons 10which of the following does not describe the element gold atransition metal bmalleable cconducts electricity dfound in group 612which of the followiing is not true of a noble gas areadily forms compounds b8 valence electrons cfilled outer shell dgroup 8a13all of the following are metalloids except asilicon bselenium carsenic dtellurium 15which of the following best describes ionic compounds amade of molecules b2 nonmetals celectrons are shared delectrostatic attraction 16which of the following consists of covalent bonds aco2 bch4 cmgcl2 da and b


For your first question: graphite won't scratch any of the other itemsAll the other items in the list are harder than graphiteFor 9: (d) tend to lose electrons isn't true - they tend to gain electrons 10: (d) - gold isn't in group 6 12(a) - a noble gas does not readily form compounds 13(d) - tellurium isn't a metalloid; it is in the oxygen family 15(d) - electrostatic atttraction between oppositely charged ions 16(d) - both CO2 and CH4 are covalently bondedHope this answers your questions.

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