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why arent there more female crane operators?

feminists always point to sexism. but Ive found 3 women here - who say they have experienced no sexism, and were pleasantly surprised by how excepting their largely male co-workers have been -


I dunno. I tried to get a blue collar job and asked my friend for a reference and he said, You know they won't hire you. Why, because I'm a lady? Yeah. Whatever, I didn't want your stupid job anyway. He's underworked and underpaid anyway, so women aren't exactly lining up to steal his job, anyway.
Have you failed at something? A physical for a job? Have you failed a civil engineering exam? Why take the blame yourself. Scream sexism By the way most crane operators don't pee out of the crane. Most urinate into a bag of gelatin that can be disposed of later. There is a special cuff for females to use with the bag
A crane operator is responsible for the safety of everyone below their load. Responsibility is something women seem to try to avoid. It isn't sexist, or a macho thing, it's THEIR choice. Note the failure of our Equal Rights Amendment, to our constitution. After years of work, we got it through congress. but if failed to be ratified. Women came out in droves AGAINST it. It included equal responsibility, and most of them didn't want THAT. It's a matter of responsibility. Women are not responsible. It's THEIR choice, NOT ours.
Because manual work is the domain of the working classes, and the further down the social heirarchy you go, the less effect feminism has had. People from working class backgrounds are more likely to have broadly traditional attitudes towards work. This will change. I know young working class girls who are training to be plumbers and electricians. Hopefully their daughters or granddaughters will be operating cranes and working on building sites.
Because it's not interesting to females, they mostly like retail, daycare, hairdressing ect but with high brow jobs they do well in numbers in law and medicine. I hate hearing feminist claim sexism in work like science. I'm in science and yes it is incredibly male dominated to point that sometimes I have been the only female but there was never any sexism at all and the times I was the only female I was treated way better then everyone else. If we look at little further at sex related interests who plays with toy cranes, trucks and lab sets and who plays with barbie and baby dolls? is it really just coincidental? I see females buying the latest fashion or celebrity mag and well guys science, sports and cars. It's obviously not sexism feminists well feminists are just feminists what else would you expect from them.

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