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Why can the electric hoist only click

Why can the electric hoist only click


The question that you ask is not all ah ~ ~ ~ basically meaning whether the rise and control of electric gourd, whether can be able to be able to continuously point to rise? The same electric gourd has a different rate of rise, not necessarily all of that.
There is a two-speed loop chain electric gourd that rises slowly, slow down and quickly drops rapidly There is also a single speed electric block, synchronized · · wireless remote control
Generally are inching for security reasons. If you must let him continuous operation can also be in lifting and falling on the contactor of the find a normally open contacts. Lifting the normally open contacts of contactor and lifting button in parallel. Drop the normally open contacts of contactor and decline button in parallel. Then can find a disconnected line up and down the contactor coil. Series a stop button in the middle of the normally closed contacts.

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