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Why did my charger stop working?

I have an android phone and the charger doesn't charge when I connect it! Sux!! Is there something wrong with my phone or is it was the charger ????


If your phone is working then I think there's something wrong with your charger then.
Why did it stopworking ? Because it developed a fault thats why. The only way you can find out is to borrow someone elses charger.
Borrow a friends charger if possible and see if it works. If so, you need to buy a new charger. If you can't, just buy a new charger, which you can do very cheaply.? If it isn't a problem with the charger, buy a new battery, as this will probably be the reason if not the charger.? You can find a charger for your phone in this link, but make sure it's the right lead to fit into your android?amazon .uk/gp/aw/s/refis_b And you can buy a battery via this link. Make sure its the right battery for your phone though? amazon .uk/gp/aw/s/refis_s

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