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Why does my apt smell like something is burning???? Please read!?

I live in an apartment and I woke up this morning and without looking thought I turned the AC off. Well it was already off and so somehow I turned the heat on instead. I quickly realized what I had done so I turned everything off. Right after I did that the smoke detector went off and it smelled as if something was burning in our apartment. It was very scary. We looked everywhere to make sure there was no fire in our place and could find nothing. We went outside to make sure it wasn't someone else's apt on fire. Nothing. There was no smoke just a smell of something burning and it only started smelling like this when I turned the heat on. Now, it is summer and I know it is not good to have the heat on when it is not cold. But why would it smell like something is on fire? Does anybody have any possible explanations of this??


yes, absolutely. They're stronger and need a different tool to be broken into with than a chain lock. However, the proper way to lock a bike is to use both a u-lock and a chain that way to can secure your front wheel, seat and the frame. All these items are usually quick release or the easier part of a bike to remove, that's why you're going to want ot secure them. Also as I have mentionned before, since these locks need two different tools to open by force, it's much more of a detterant to keep bike thieves away. After all, if they really want to, they'll find a way to take your bike, but if your bike is locked up better than someone else's it's very likely they won't go through the trouble. I know someone mentioned that a bic pen can open a u-lock but that is simply no longer true. The company has long ago realised that and has recalled them. All the ones out now are okay.
A U lock is okay but you can lock it all together, like take your front wheel off and lock it to the FRAME and a post of some sort

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