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Why does the juice press out when you squeeze it out?

Why does the juice press out when you squeeze it out?


Before the juice with boiling water blanched juice, scalded with boiling water can kill the fruit above most of the enzyme, but also make them the Microsoft a bit, and then immediately juice can reduce the loss of nutrients, increase the juice yield, but also can make the juice color and prolong the preservation time.
Juice note:Fresh fruit juice should be drunk as soon as possible, in order to allow nutrients in fruit and vegetable juice is not lost, you should drink as soon as possible, if you can not drink, you can put in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that in storage, the fastest component of juice loss is vitamin C. Different kinds of fruit juice are preserved under different conditions, and the rate of vitamin C loss is not the same. It can range from 20% to 100%.
The reason for the foam when the juicer presses out:The juice contains inorganic salts will change the surface tension of a liquid, stir into the air when the bubble is not easy to be broken, like washing detergent when changing water tension, the bubble will not disappear immediately will gather more and more, the formation of bubbles, this is a normal phenomenon.

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