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Why is the European and British Media so shamelessly anti-Semitic/ Anti-Israeli?

Why is the European media allowed to publish openly anti-semitic articles without check? Here are some examples:http://www.guardian .uk/world/2009/jan/07/gaza-israel-palestinehttp://blogs.telegraph .uk/news/juliankossoff/100057876/israels-loyalty-oath-sets-a-vile-precedent/http://www.independent .uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-why-do-they-hate-the-west-so-much-we-will-ask-1230046.htmlhttp://www.thelocal.se/26992/20100602/http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,697834,00.htmlhttp://www.guardian .uk/commentisfree/2010/dec/08/israeli-rabbis-houses-arabs-judaismDo editors in Europe have no shame?


They always were. They saw no problem with hitler exterminating the Jews. They only became concerned when he started invading their countries.
Because they drive bulldozers over America peace activists.
American help of Israel stems frequently from Christian Dispensationalists interior usa. Christians in Europe are frequently no longer Dispensationalist (nor have they ever been)....and hence could see issues in a altogether distinctive gentle. at the same time as i'm uncertain i could declare Britain or Europe anti-Semitic....i could might desire to declare that their scientific care and referrals as to Jews and Israel has a tendency to be extra proper than it has ever been (in the historic experience). i'm no longer a Dispensationalist, yet I frequently help Israel (exceedingly because it concerns our shared enemies in the region). i think of Israel has been an exceedingly stable chum to usa. i'm uncertain they have shared the comparable relationship with Britain or the the remainder of Europe (a minimum of no longer fullyyt).
They are much more anti American The last thing I heard on their BBC was british troops were needed in America to keep the yanks from killing off all the American Indians and the yanks simply did not want to pay for it
&Why is the ***European and British Media*** so shamelessly anti-Semitic/ Anti-Israeli?& [ emphasis added ] &Or perhaps an enthusiastic understanding and appreciation of what we call our 1st amendment rights?& I really love y/a some days......

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