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Why is wool better than bubble wrap in insulation?

I'm doing my science coursework now and want to find out why wool is better than bubble wrap and why bubble wrap is not as good as woolMy teacher said that wool is a better insulator than bubble wrap so please dont say that bubble wrap is a better insulator than wool.Thank you.


It ought to workBUT if it has a nonstick surface you are asking for unwanted scratches!
I think as long as you keep it on really low it should be fine for keeping things warm.
Heat moves by conduction, radiation and convection Bubble wrap conducts heat at the plastic surface and then there is only a single layer of air for the heat to traverseAnd actually between the bubbles the plastic is solid and has no air for in insulationPlastic conducts heat faster than airOnce the air in the bubble is heated by conduction from the plastic, the heated air moves by convection to the top layer of plastic wrap and warms up the top layerSo the bubble wrap has plastic for a conductor which conducts heat fairly well compared to wool and it only has one air layer separating it from the other side along with solid sections around the air bubbles Wool on the other hand is long fibers that don't conduct heat very well to begin withThen the heat that does get conducted into the wool fibers has to jump hundreds of micro air layers between the wool fibers Convection heat transfer is much slower heat transfer than conductionSo the wool conducts heat , then has to convect heat across the fibers then reheat the next fiber by conduction and then reconvert to convection again and on and on So to put it simply wool has slower conduction than plastic and has many more microscopic air layers between the fibers to further slow conduction and put many convected layers of air to traverse for the heat path thru the wool

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