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Will aluminum foil repel mice?

I have a kayak and don't want mice going inside itIf I put aluminum foil over the cover will it keep them from crawling under the cover and chewing on it?


They will pull up the edges of the foil and find a way in somehowTry using cotton balls coated in peppermint extractMice do not like the smell of peppermintI had a mouse living in my car that I don't drive very oftenI put peppermint in it and the mouse left on its own.
Wheels are not essential for survivalNor are any of the other innovations of civilized life, other than medicineThe only thing I can see as being essential is the circular spear shaft and other wooden/bone tools, but as we now know hunting was not necessary for hunter gatherers, who could scavenge or survive merely on fruits and vegetables that they gathered themselvesSquare dwellings are very common because of the use of tree logs and other materials that are not as easy to build in a circular shapeHowever circular tents and mud-huts are common enough that there is no significant differenceI would say that no single shape is necessary for survival-unless you count blood cells and eye shape, which goes beyond humans.

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