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Who knows what is the standard of insulation material whose fire proof is level A?
3 answer
Who knows what kind of fire prevention materials are there?
2 answer
Does anyone know what kind of light fireproof materials are there?
1 answer
Does anyone know what is a lightweight refractory material?
4 answer
Is it necessary for the frame of glass fireproof door to be crammed with fire-proof material?
3 answer
What kind of refractory materials can withstand 1500℃ when processing briquette stove core and meanwhile cost less?
2 answer
Can I use ordinary cement with the addition of sand, clay, and salt as refractory material to paste the stove?
3 answer
How long is the duration of fire resistance that fireproof door of level B can endure?
4 answer
What are the refractory materials above 1000℃
3 answer
What are the differences between first-level fire-resistant materials and second-level fire-resistant materials?
3 answer
How much is the content of boron carbide in refractory material?
3 answer
The effect of a high content of water in liquid resin exerted on refractory material?
1 answer
How much is the duration of fire resistance of the porous brick shale?
5 answer
How do refractory materials apply into pyrophyllite?
2 answer
What kind of refractory materials are used in metallurgy industry?
1 answer
Which industry does the metallurgy and thermal insulating and refractory material belong to?
5 answer
what textures of furnace refractories are good?
3 answer
Why do magnesium oxide refractory bricks can be made into refractories?
3 answer
What are the characteristics of thealuminium oxide refractory?
3 answer
How to apply the alumina powder on refractories?
2 answer
Fefractory of aluminium oxide.
2 answer
What kind of refractories do the anode baking furnace use?
3 answer
How many hours of the fire endurance time of the rock wool laminboard?
5 answer
Who knows the fire resistant level of the rock wool color plate?
2 answer
How is the division of the fire resistant level of the rock wool board?
2 answer
What level is the rock wool board fireproofing material ?
3 answer
How long is the fire endurance of the rock wool board?
5 answer
How many kilns using refractories are needed? What are the furnaces respectively?
3 answer
Which company needs the new refractories?
1 answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of new external wall fireproof and thermal inuslation matertials?
3 answer