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Is it OK to use iron nails instead of electric irons to weld wires?
3 answer
Can electric soldering iron copper pipe?
4 answer
Why do I use the electric iron, soldering iron head always do not eat tin, the company inside how to use all eat tin, even the iron head around tin, my own
3 answer
Use electric iron fierce fine things, always fail, ask God for help
3 answer
What is the difference between the size and power of the soldering iron head?
3 answer
How much is an electric soldering iron in internal heating?
3 answer
Help me to the bathroom faucet close the holes. In dianlaotie how much the soldering on W
3 answer
What kind of electric soldering iron is used in welding single piece? What's the diameter of tin wire?
3 answer
What kind of diode does the electric iron of 60W connect in series? Is 1N4007 all right? What is the best serial diode?
3 answer
Is the disc electric iron used in general tunnels 300 watts or 500 watts?
3 answer
What's the point of the soldering iron grounding in the soldering? Specifically how to ground?
3 answer
Just bought the electric iron even smoke, this normal?
3 answer
How do you handle the oxidation of the electric iron head (almost all of it, especially the head is black)?
3 answer
What do you use as a fuse when using an electric iron?
3 answer
Does anyone know what the electric iron is called? The electric iron is on his head. It looks like a pipe. He can hold tin. He always wanted to buy one of these
3 answer
Can the diode, resistor, capacitor be overheated when soldering electric iron?
3 answer
How many pieces of electric soldering iron can solder laptop motherboards?
3 answer
How can the solder on the electric iron be cleaned?
3 answer
How do electric irons weld coins?
3 answer
The tip of the electric iron cannot melt the solder
3 answer
The electric iron is not heated. Please analyze the possible reasons, I want to repair myself
3 answer
Electric soldering tin
3 answer
When soldering a component with an electric iron, the solder runs on the electric iron without hanging on the pad
3 answer
When I solder the original with an electric soldering iron, why is it that the solder iron is not smooth and sharp when leaving the solder joint? I'm using 50W's internal heating circuit, iron!
3 answer
HAKKO 936 constant temperature electric iron temperature not constant, how should I do?
3 answer
Is there a soldering tool that is more convenient than an electric iron?. No fun
3 answer
Can I use an electric iron to seal an ordinary plastic bag?
3 answer
Electric soldering iron smaller parts, such as micro switch, etc., need to pay attention to what, the temperature will damage the plastic?
3 answer
There is no grounding wire in the house. How should the electric iron be grounded? Can I get a zero line?
3 answer
How do you use electric irons to remove the tin from the pad?
3 answer

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