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What is the difference between the 10 channel and the 16 channel of the head beam lamp?
2 answer
Which great God can teach me the sunshine 512 computer light control console,
3 answer
My console is 240 why can't control 200W light,
3 answer
The light beam motor is broken, still light?
3 answer
What stage tools are required for theatrical performances?
3 answer
The 200W beam lamp can shake the head and the lamp does not emit light
3 answer
The beam lamp is first controlled, and the second can only turn up and down, and can not be controlled
3 answer
575 can the shake head lamp switch to the 300 Watt light bulb?
3 answer
Computer lights, PA lights, beam lights, together with address code, how to set?
3 answer
What are the 8 address codes for the 16 channel beam light 4 and the 8 channel PA lamp?
3 answer
Can the 240 console control the beam lamp and the shake head lamp at the same time?
3 answer
The teacher's beam is placed on the ground and the lights are under control. But why are you out of control?
3 answer
Beam light from the middle to the sides of the horse, change color, how to do 5
3 answer
How to measure the bulb voltage of a 200W beam lamp with a multimeter?
3 answer
Annual stage computer light, led, light, light up how much need?
4 answer
Why does the beam always jump to protect?
3 answer
How to speed a computer light beam, a fast one slow
3 answer
16 channel beam lights, 2 and 18 channel beam lights, 2 sets of connected lights address codes, respectively
3 answer
230 watt light failure, how to repair?
3 answer
When lighting programming,
3 answer
Beam lamp console programming
3 answer
Who knows the stage lighting, 200 watts, the power of the beam light is better
3 answer
How does the beam light change in two colors?
3 answer
How does a beam of light control positive inversion?
3 answer
What is far and near light dual beam light?
3 answer
Can different manufacturers of beam lights be used together?
3 answer
How is the beam lamp programmed?
3 answer
Ask God for light beam programming
3 answer
What's the best price for a beam lamp? Five
3 answer
If the light beam has a horizontal vertical velocity channel, it can adjust the speed of the XY axis
3 answer

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