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Hydroponics, if there is no plant growth lamp, how can I do?
3 answer
Can plants grow fluorescent lamps instead of sunlight?
3 answer
Will laser plants grow light bulbs and grow on garlic?
3 answer
What are the negative effects of long time fluorescent light on plant growth?
3 answer
Excuse me, where is the growth lamp for sale in Tianjin?
3 answer
Can greenhouse plants grow lamps to increase temperature?
3 answer
Can the intelligent color light bulb be used as a plant growth lamp?
3 answer
Can plants with fluorescent lights grow normally? Which are suitable?
3 answer
LED red and blue light treatment, it can replace the plant lights
3 answer
What light plants grow better with an interior lamp?
3 answer
How many watts do plants need to grow in leafy plants?
3 answer
Can it speed up the germination of seeds under a plant light?
3 answer
Why do plants grow so that flowers fall easily?
3 answer
Is the plant lamp effective for Chinese roses?
3 answer
Plant growth lamp for ten days, how did not bear fruit?
3 answer
Excuse me, where is the LED plant growth lamp used in plant plants in Shenzhen?
3 answer
Does the plant light need to keep up at night?
3 answer
Want to use LED plants to grow lights, rare orchids, and ask what brand of good?
3 answer
Is the red sun laser light useful for growing plants?
3 answer
What kind of plant growth light the highest price of large area plant growth?
3 answer
How much is the topclass 2835 plant growth lamp professional power and wavelength?
3 answer
Ed plant lights are not power, the better the effect
3 answer
Can plants grow well under the irradiation of street lamps?
3 answer
Can photosynthesis occur after plants are irradiated by 22W LED light?
3 answer
Does LED's white light allow photosynthesis in plants?
3 answer
LED what happens when a plant grows a lamp? Does a person become white and old?
3 answer
Plant growth lamp can be used as tortoises do
3 answer
How often does the lamp of an automatic plant grow light?
3 answer
Can sunlight be used for photosynthesis by plants?
3 answer
Please introduce two plant lights brand, thanks to the full spectrum
4 answer

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