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1 threading tube to wear two cable, easy to wear not? How long does the cable line take?

Why the wire cut there are many ash, and the copper wire is very easy to break


Oxidation, and the main reason for this situation is the long-term overload of the wire lead to accelerated oxidation and wire storage for a long time
The capacity of the power cable is 20% of the cross-sectional area of the bridge and the control cable is 50% of the cross-sectional area. The load of the cable bridge is divided into load, dynamic load and additional load. Static load refers to the type of cable laying in the cable tray, the number of roots, the diameter of each root / unit length, according to the different routing of cable routing statistics. Dynamic load is the weight of the construction and maintenance personnel during the installation and maintenance of the cable tray. For light cable bridge, generally do not consider the dynamic load, that is not allowed on the bridge stand (line) people, if you need to consider the station, you should narrow the appropriate narrowing. Additional load only in the outdoors refers to the snow, wind and electromagnetic force formed by the load. It is related to the natural meteorological conditions and the nature of the charged body in the area of the installation site, which should be calculated on the basis of various conditions.
Do not know what you mean, if only from the literal point of view and understanding, the bridge should be installed in the top of the pipe, the top of the heating tube.
Power cable placement capacity of the bridge cross-sectional area of 20%, control cable for the cross-sectional area of 50%

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