i want to set up a 10 gallon saltwater tank for shrimps and hermit crabs and snails. what will i need what filter should i use. what heater should i use and what will the steps be.
quite simply a HOB filter, no skimmer needed here, heater for 10 gallon, marine salt hydrometer, dolomite/crushed coral or marine sand (needed to keep ph high) Remember not all hermits are salt or total marine here. Convert the 10 by doing a 25% water change and adding 4 x the salt needed for the change. This should bring you to your salinity level. You will still have to cycle the tank, unless it is fresh converted, however the salt will kill off some bacteria, test to ensure a cycle. You still only want to add one or two creatures a week apart to keep your biofilter from spiking.
You could just go to a store and buy pie.