This may have been asked once before, but I‘m asking specifically:Does anyone have any first hand experience with 100% pure acetone as a fuel additive?What are the results?How long have you been using it?Are there any negative side effects?Please do not cite or refer to other websites; I have done my fair share of research and am looking for an opinion from someone who has been using 100% pure acetone. Thank you.
If by 100% acetone you mean, using a small amount of 100% acetone in the fuel as additive then. the only thing noticeable is that lower end torque improved due to better atomization caused by the acetone. other than that no fuel saving to report. My truck damaged 2 Fuel injectors, IDK if it had anything to do with the acetone, the moth balls I dumped in the fuel tank(don't do it) or if it was coincidence. The engine computer(ECU) is programmed to keep the air to fuel ratio as close to 14.7:1 as possible. this is for emission purposes only. that is not the best performance ratio of efficiency you will get out of your car. anything you do will be picked up by the ECU, and it will recalibrate itself to keep that A/F ratio untouched. if you get greedy and throw any of the sensors reading too far out of tolerance then the ECU will turn the check engine light and will begin to run rich as a default programing in the ECU. there are subtle things you can do to improve fuel efficiency. unless you reflash/ remap(chipped) your ECU for fuel efficiency you are limited to small gains if any unless you start making weight reduction, regearing of the transmission and differential or aerodynamic enhancements to the vehicles body. GL
Yes. All tires have heavy and light spots which is why they need balancing. Weight is added to the wheel opposite the heavy spot. Since you can never get the tire back on the same way and since no two tires are the same it will require a balance job every time the tires are changed.
Here's the deal. It will do exactly nothing. There are hundreds of websites that will tell you that dding two to three ounces of acetone to a tank of fuel will work miracles for your fuel mileage, and probably hundreds more telling you that it will dissolve every plastic and rubber part in your fuel system. It will do neither. I tried several times, just to give it a chance and settle it in my mind. There is no way that two ounces of acetone can have any effect when it is diluted into somewhere between ten and twenty gallons of gasoline. You don't have to believe me or anyone else on here one way or the other, but I guarantee you that you will notice exactly no effects, good or bad, by adding two ounces of acetone to your fuel. However, your car is not designed to run on acetone, and acetone is not a replacement for gasoline. So if you get all crazy and dump gallons of acetone in your fuel hoping for some astronomical mileage figure, you will eventually dilute the gasoline so much that it won't run at all. Stick with 100 percent gasoline instead of playing Harvard Science Major with a car that lots of highly-paid, highly-educated engineers spent years designing.