10KV distribution transformer how to calculate the tap voltage
If the gear is expressed as 10 ± 2 × 2.5%, the transformer is 5 files, each level gear can be adjusted 10000 × 2.5% = 250V, and so on.
To 10 ± 5% of the gear, for example, the transformer for the third gear, each level gear can be adjusted 10000 × 5% = 500V, then Ⅰ file tap voltage 10000 +500 = 10500V, Ⅱ file tap voltage 10000V , Ⅲ gear tap voltage 10000-500 = 9500V
10kV distribution transformer tap voltage can be Ue ± Ue X% (X is the percentage of each range of adjustment).
General distribution transformer tap adjustment range of Ue ± 2 × 2.5%; tap for 1 - 5, the tap voltage is calculated as follows:
1 ----- 10+ (10 x (2 x 2.5%)) = 10.5 kV
2 ----- = 10 + (10 x 2.5%) = 10.25 kV
3 ----- 10kV rated voltage,
4 ----- = 10- (10 x 2.5%) = 9.75 kV
5 ------ 10- (10 x (2 x 2.5%)) = 9.5 kV
Transformer tap on the high side, according to the needs of the low side to adjust the high pressure side of the tap position. If the low voltage side of the low pressure should be raised to 4 or 5, and vice versa to 2 or 1 up. Because the adjustment tap is used to change the transformer ratio. In the case of a transformer with a rated voltage of 10 / 0.4kV, its change ratio K = U1 / U2 = 10 / 0.4 = 25; when the secondary voltage is low, if the split is set to 4, the position K4 = U1 / U2 = 9.75 / 0.4 = 24.375, the primary voltage is still 10kV secondary voltage = 10 / 24.375 = 410V. Increased secondary voltage. In fact the adjustment of the split is adjusted by the number of turns of the coil, the change in the ratio and the number of turns of the secondary coil is constant. To reduce the secondary voltage, increase the number of turns of the coil.