110kv level, the capacity of about 43MVA transformer models and detailed parameters
Now 110kV transformer capacity is generally 50MVA. Models are generally SZ9, SZ10.
SSZ10-50000 / 110
YN, yno, d11
110 ± 8 × 1.25% / 38.5 ± 2 × 2.5% / 10.5
Rated current (A) High pressure side 262.4 / Medium pressure side 749.8 / Low pressure side 2749.3
No load loss 35.3kw
No-load current 0.09%
Short circuit loss (kW) High - Medium 200.8, High - Low 202, Medium - Low 157
Short Circuit Impedance (%) High - Medium 10.06, High - Low 17.78, Medium - Low 6.35
SSZ10-50000 / 110
YN, yno, d11
110 ± 8 × 1.25% / 38.5 ± 2 × 2.5% / 10.5
Rated current (A) High pressure side 262.4 / Medium pressure side 749.8 / Low pressure side 2749.3
The following are the same as the "
No load loss 35.3kw
The following are the same as the "
No-load current 0.09%
The following are the same as the "
Short circuit loss (kW) High - Medium 200.8, High - Low 202, Medium - Low 157
The following are the same as the "
Short Circuit Impedance (%) High - Medium 10.06, High - Low 17.78, Medium - Low 6.35.