i am swapping a 1987 dashboard into my 1986 mustang. i am using the 86 wiring harness and have a 1987 donor harness. everything was going pretty good until i saw that the headlight switch was way different and the donor harness didn't have the headlights switch. i was wondering if there was a way to wire in the 87 headlights switch into the original 86 wiring harness? pictures would help. AND how to wire in the 1987 hazard lights into the 86 because the 86 hazard is a pull thing on the bottom of the steering column.
That was a bad idea to begin with. If you want a 1987 dash then you should have just bought a 1987 Mustang. Now, few people will ever want a car that has had the wiring hacked up and has interiors from different year cars. You will need wiring diagrams for both years in order to tell which wires go to what.