?-1umm in the video it has a little boy and girl talking and they like live next door to each other and there windows are facing each others and they talk at night or something like that and then the girls parents catch her and then they are like yelling at her and then it like goes to the next seen and they are at a cematary and i guess that she died and the little boy is crying and yeah i think vince gill sings it but i dont know?-2 i need the lyrics totaylor swifts-our song sorry for the bad spelling
If you really want to scare her, look up some stories of girls her age meeting people or taling to people or giving information to people they have met on the internet and then disappearing, kidnapped, or worse. Tell her again that this is the extreme cases but that is she isn't careful she can cross the line. Also, limit her to maybe one hour a day to be on the internet and tell her if she can't resepct the rules you have set in place that you will sit there with her for that hour and watch everything she does. Also, you can periodically come and sit by her to check on what she's doing. If she is choosing to be disobedient and shady about using the internet I would tell her that she's going to be under watch and that you will come to her anytime she's on the computer and look at what she's doing. She sounds like a good kid, but every kid tests the boundaries once in a while. The trick is to have an open and honest line of communication with her and also, you want them to fear the consequences of their actions! I didn't do hardly anything wrong as a kid bc my older brother and sister were constantly in trouble and I saw that they were always grounded, getting the talk, having privleges taken away. Just remind her of what she already knows!
your probably paranoid but it could b sumthin, honestly idk wat 2 tell u
tonight when you go to bed, set up a video camera and tape the yard, and set up cans like a pyrimid in front of your door if you think it may be robbers. dont forget the baseball bat under your pillow. and phone right by you, cell phone is best, robbers sometimes cut the lines.