My car wont start and only starts after moving power cables up and down. Im not sure what the problem is. If i slightly move it I see alittle sparking under the engine. When i manipulate the battery power cables it manipulates all the wires connecting to it so i cant pin point where the problem is. When i try to start ignition there is zero sound. When i manipulate cables it starts right up and cranks fine.
If you're seeing a spark under the engine then you probably have a loose wire at the starter motor.
You are not supposed to be able to move the battery cables and that's where your problem lies. Clean and tighten the battery terminals.
Sounds to me that you have a BAD BATTERY here. Is it the ORIGINAL factory one, or some after market one?? When the cells inside a battery short out internally, sometimes if you jiggle the cable, it will make a false, temporary connection inside. Remove your battery, and have it bench tested. Get another factory battery, or an OPTIMA battery or a DEKA battery. THese all tested higher than usual. A good EUROPEAN battery is another good choice, if you can find one in that exact size. GOOD LUCK!! CLean your IAC valve and throttle body. THis will insure the wuickest ,easiest starts. GOOD LUCK!!
It takes approximately 9.5 volts to start a car. If you hear a clicking sound, your battery is not putting out enough voltage. Your radio, headlights, etc., will all work, so you will think that your problem is your starter. NOT SO. Either you have a weak battery which need charging, or the most likely culprit are your battery cables. Most people will look at their cables and if they LOOK clean, and don't see any white corrosion build up on the terminals, they believe the battery terminals are making a good contact. Once again - NOT SO. Those terminals and cables are lead. Lead is a shiny metal. Scrap the top of a battery terminal and it will shine. That darkness on the terminal you scraped off is also present between you battery terminal and cable, and will prevent a good contact. All it needs is to cause a drop in voltage to your starter and you will hear a clicking sound from the starter. Get a good battery terminal and cable cleaner at your auto parts store. The type with the wires inside that will really make those terminals and cables shine. Once you have cleaned them, your battery will put out max voltage. If you still hear the clicking sound, take your battery to an auto parts store and they will check it. It may not be holding a charge or you may have a dead cell. However, DO NOT try and clean your battery terminals with Baking Soda or Coca Cola. I've worked on cars for over 55 years and all that does is clean the OUTSIDE of the terminals - NOT the connection between the cable and terminal. So many people run out and buy a new starter or battery when it is really the connection itself.
I with Michael on this. take of your leads clean them and put them back on good and tight and you should be good to go.